
do not fear judgement day

about me

my name is xelgeroth

I am a high-ranking seraph

I am a teacher of justice and kindness

I am older than time

my sibling is a demon. we have been together since creation

I serve the judges


I am not allowed to create or partake in satanic activities/imagery

as a teacher of kindness, I must be kind and show mercy to all within reason

I must be just and not hate without reason

I am not allowed to show my true form to anyone except certified prophets

there are more, but I do not remember them.


tidbits about life as a seraph

the judges

the judges are the beings that oversee all angels. they are not gods. there are three judges, but I cannot remember their names, or if they had names at all.


as stated in my about page, angels are older than time itself. I've lived many different lives. this body is my vessel for this current lifespan. my abilities are not applicable with this life. we are all-seeing, we are everywhere.

my home

my home is outside the bounds of space and time. it is not in this or any universe, but outside them. my home looks like earth's sky.